
Friday, April 6, 2007

now accepting submissions

In the light of the sad passing, from the review scene, of girlondemand and her blog, PODymouth, I have decided to step into the breech and offer up my review services to the masses of POD writers. No, I do not claim the felicity of being another girlondemand. For one thing, I am a boy, a man actually. Another thing that I am not is someone connected to the publishing world. I am merely a humble reader and sometime writer of fiction offering his review services for free. That's right, free! I know, I am wonderful!

Now, to the business end of this. First, I think that POD is a wonderful avenue for expression of talent that otherwise may not have a chance in the commercialized world of book publishing. Having said that, however, I feel that freedom invites carelessness in plot construction, punctuation and other habits of good fiction. That is why POD book reviews are so important. Reviews serve not only as a way for the reading public to find out about POD writers but also encourage POD writers to offer better work than they might otherwise have been tempted to foist upon the unsuspecting public.

In practical terms this means that I will try to review only books that I consider good reads. You may submit anything, but I will only review books that I can finish reading because they are compelling. Also I will, if I feel that it is warranted, offer up to the writer a critique of the work so that he or she may improve upon it.

So let'er rip! Send'em in.

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