
Thursday, May 3, 2007

The POD review Ring

Alright, so you figured out that I am not the only fish in the pond. Good for you. In fact, there are seven others in the ah...fishbowl known as the POD review ring. Here's a dandy list of these review blogs.

What exactly does a review on any one of these review blogs mean? Probably not very much, I mean, the real question is--do people actually buy the books that have been reviewed on our blogs? I have no idea, but I'd like to find out. One option would be to sign up with Amazon Associates. I've thought about this--about an Associates listing that would feature only books that I reviewed, if they are available through Amazon--but I am not sure what you all think of this. I think, for this to work, all the reviewers of the ring would have to do that, get listings for their reviewed books on Associates.

I'd like to get a poll started: if you're a reader, leave a comment or send me a email so that I can get a handle on the numbers.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    Yep, you should do the Amazon Associates link. First, you might make even a small amount of money in return for the work you are doing. Second, it would certainly be interesting to find out the impact of the reviews.

    Of course, it's also possibly in many cases, people read the review, and don't buy it. Two weeks later, for whatever reason, they place an order then. So there'd certainly be some lost in all that.

    All the same, its worth doing.

